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StoLevell In Clima

Mineral lightweight filler for reducing thermal bridges


interior, for filling joints, cracks, large holes in ceilings and walls, for smoothing untreated masonry, porous concrete, prior to wallpapering and coating work, as smoothing filler in the StoTherm In Comfort internal insulation system, for treating “cold walls” on which condensation forms that often leads to the growth of mould


reduces the thermal conductivity of wall and ceiling surfaces, anti-condensation effect at a minimum layer thickness of 5 mm, good filling capacity, suitable for sanding, low specific weight

Delivery form

  • 9 kg sack
  • 432 kg pallet

Approx. consumption: 0.60 kg/m² per mm of layer thickness

Colour: natural white


StoLevell In Clima
apply with square trowel

Seals of approval and quality

Nature Plus


Technical Data Sheets