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StoPrep Sil

Physiologically harmless, preservative-free silicate primer for interior use


interior, onto mineral substrates for subsequent mineral finishing plasters, especially for natureplus-certified finishing plasters (e.g. StoDecosil)


mildew-inhibiting, highly water vapour permeable, solvent- and plasticiser-free, low-emission, TÜV seal of quality - externally monitored, free of fogging-active substances, eco-certified - fulfills the strictest criteria in terms of environment, health and functionality (natureplus)

Delivery form

  • 25 kg pail
  • 600 kg pallet

Approx. consumption

0.35 kg/m² per paint coat

Appearance: matt in accordance with EN 13300

Colour: white


StoPrep Sil
rolling brushing StoColor System - limited colour choice

Seals of approval and quality

Nature Plus TÜV


Technical Data Sheets