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StoColor Sil Lasura

Glaze on dispersion silicate base


exterior, for easily created glaze techniques to produce sophisticated decorative effects, preferably onto mineral and silicate substrates, as a creative top coat


very high CO2 and water vapour permeability, StoColor Sil Lasura serves as a glaze binding agent and glaze thinning in one, without film conservation against algae and/or fungal attack


not suitable for surfaces with an increased risk of algae and/or fungal attack

Delivery form

  • 10 l canister
  • 600 l pallet

Approx. consumption

0.13 l/m² per paint coat

Appearance: brilliant, clear colour shades glazing

Colour tintable with StoTint Aqua and StoColor Sil


StoColor Sil Lasura


Technical Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets