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StoColor Sil

Facade paint on dispersion silicate base


exterior, onto mineral and silicate substrates, as well as for renovating organic, non-elastic substrates


texture-retaining, very good hiding power, water-repellent, sol silicate paint, very high CO2 and water vapour permeability, high colour stability for a silicate paint, without film conservation against algae and/or fungal attack

Delivery form

  • 15 l pail
  • 360 l pallet

Approx. consumption

0.18 - 0.20 l/m² per paint coat

Appearance: matt

Colour: white


StoColor Sil
rolling airless spraying brushing StoColor System - limited colour choice

Seals of approval and quality

SGBC - Green Label Certification


Technical Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets