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StoColor Royal

Facade paint for silk matt colour brilliance, hydrophilic and non-absorbent, biocide-free


exterior, for coatings with high hiding power on mineral and organic, non-elastic substrates


hydrophilic, non-absorbent surface, highest degree of whiteness, high level of colour shade variety and stability, particularly for intense colour shades, textureretaining, pure acrylate binding agent, high protection against environmental pollutants, CO2-inhibiting (concrete protection), very good hiding power, highly water-repellent, water vapour permeable, alkali-resistant, good adhesion, good natural protection against algae and fungal attack, without film conservation

Delivery form

  • 15 l pail
  • 360 l pallet

Approx. consumption: 0.15 - 0.18 l/m² per paint coat

Appearance: silk matt

Colour: white


StoColor Royal
rolling airless spraying brushing StoColor System - complete colour choice


Technical Data Sheets