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StoColor Isol

Solvent-containing isolating and renovation paint, wet scrub resistance 2 and hiding power 2 in accordance with EN 13300


interior, for wall and ceiling surfaces, for use on problematic substrates (e.g. nicotine, soot, lignin, water stains)


highly isolating, very good hiding power, good flow properties, high degree of whiteness, low-stress, non-yellowing, free of aromatic solvents

Delivery form:

  • 12.5 l pail
  • 300 l pallet

Approx. consumption: 0.13 - 0.15 l/m² per paint coat

Appearance: dead-matt in accordance with EN 13300

Colour: white, aged white AW11/AW15, STH01 (RAL 9010), STH02 (NCS S 0500N), STH04 (RAL 9016)

Application: dilutable with StoFluid AF


StoColor Isol
Brushing Airless spraying Rolling StoColor system - limited colour choice


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