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Surface Treatment

Surface Treatment - Enhance Appearance and Durability

Surface treatment

Surface treatments are an easy and effective way to improve the quality, durability and enhance the appearance of a concrete floor. It's also an important step in ensuring that the concrete performs to its maximum potential.

Sto's offers a wide range of surface treatment systems to suit different applications and construction needs. This applies to both freshly poured concrete floors and previously installed concrete surfaces. It can also be added before, during or after the curing process to achieve the desired look and durability.

Sto's curing compound acts as a high performance sealing while reducing surface shrinkage and crazing in concrete. It is an excellent curing efficiency solution that seals concrete surfaces to protect them from the effects of weathering..

Sto provides solutions for precast applications and eases the load on the contractor during casting with easy-release formwork that is clean and simple to strip of moulds and formwork while ensuring fair-faced, stain-free concrete.

Sto's Surface Treatment can also improve the overall appearance of a concrete surface and improve abrasion resistance, thereby extending the concrete structure's service life.