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Mortar & Grout

Sto Grout is customised to your project.


There are a number of different types of grout and each type is designed to serve a specific purpose in order to meet the requirements of a particular application.

The type of grout you choose can have a significant impact on the overall importance of your project. Sto's in-house research and development team, which is also in charge of stringent quality control, makes every effort to match the right grout to the project's specifications. This enables Sto to customise the properties of each grout to the specific needs of any project.

Sto's extensive grout and mortar product portfolio includes a wide range of options for various structural applications requiring different levels of strength, flow, workability, durability and stability.

This product ranges from cementitious to epoxy and can be used for load-bearing joints between prefabricated elements, structural filling of holes and cavities in concrete in bridge-bearing pads, high-speed turbine and centrifuge blades, crane support, railroad transportation, and many other applications.

Sto has supplied grouts and mortar products to numerous high-profile projects over the years, and has also played an important role in the construction and building industries.

Our mortar and grout are used on projects of all sizes where quality and reliability are important.