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Injection Materials, Adhesives & Accessories

You are in good hands with Sto Injection System !

Crack injection

With the Sto Injection System, you are in good hands and that you will no longer have to "crack up" over cracks.

Sometimes all that is required is the right product to make a quick and easy fix, which is possible with the Sto Injection System.

Sto Injection System can significantly extend the service life of buildings and structures, as well as contribute to their ongoing maintenance and repair.

When a leak occurs during a construction project, it often results in a cost overrun and a delay in the completion of the project. Thus, the ability to quickly and permanently repair a leak in any area of a construction project is extremely valuable to both contractors and property owners.

The Sto Injection product portfolio offers solutions that can help you avoid costly structural repairs and reduce downtime. It is suitable for all types of leak-sealing applications, including structural repair and waterproofing, and it can be used at any time, including during initial construction or subsequent maintenance.

Additionally, Sto also offers expert advice, as well as helpful application instructions and information.